Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

82 LETTERS OF THE [1639-40. which I acknowledg as a greate mercy to me, and is a sweet cordiell to me, in my being ill, for my deare Ned, your being well is much of my being so. I pray God blless you, and make you to grow strong in the feare of the Lord. I thanke you for your care of my wacth ; it is doune very well ; I will send you mony, and pleas God, very shortly. My deare Ned, I thanke you for sending me your seale, when you hard it might doo me good. I will take care of it, and I hope to returne it you shortley. I beleeue your lone is such to me, that it makes you glad still to be a comfort to me and your father. Heare inclosed I haue sent you the nwes come in my lords letter to your father. Your most affectinat mother, BRILL. HARLEY. Sr Francis Deuerex elledest sonne and 4 more jentellmen and on kight weare drouned in a bote the last night pasing the water near Worster. I hope you remember the Ember day. (No date.) LXV. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, in Magdiline Hall, Oxford. Deare Ned-This morning I reseued your letter, I thanke you for it, and I much reioyce that you are well. Miller toold me that you did cut your wood for exercise, which I am glad of but your father would not haue you cut but sawe your wood. I tell him, I thinke . you doo saw it. Your father tooke some coold, which made him ill sence Miller went, but now I thanke God, he is well agayne and abroode. For meself, my dear Ned, I am still weake, and, I thinke, allmost as weake as affter lyeing in of any of my chillderen, but your sister Dorrity; yester 1 was vp a littell. I haue sent you a gammon of backen by this carrier, and a Lenten tocken of dried sweetmeats for your tutor, but it is directed to you ; if I had bine well I had sent you a larger prouition for Lent. I hard that theare weare 500