Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

84 LETTERS OF THE [163940. exprest of me, and your ernest desires for myhealth. Docter Rwit when he went fromme did ernestly desire me to haue some about me that would put me in minde to eate; for he toold me, he obsarued I neglected meself. I thanke you for rwiting to your brother to put Hacklet in minde of it, which shee has sence offner remembred then shee did before. I thanke God I am something better then I haue biue ; this day and yesterday I sate vp 2 owers a day. I beleeue you pray for me, and doo still, my deare Ned. Your father is, I thanke God, well, and tells me he will twit to you ; they say, he and Sr Water Pye shall be knights for this sheare. Mr. Edwards is inducted into Buckill and theare abides. Mr. Simons is now heare, he is very resolut in his way. Mr. Blineman is goon into Nweingland, and Tabithe is goon. Mr. Balls booke is come forthe about thos opinions, but I haue not yet reed it. You rwit me word you had sent me the book put out by a Jesuet, but I haue not yet reseued it, nor thos thigs Gorg rwit me word he had sent. I purpos, if pleas God, to send shortly to you, if I am well. Mr. Ballam dous well. Your brother Robin had a littell spis of a fite the last weak. I haue sent you by this carrier a turkey pye, but I clout that it is not a very good one, it is so littell. My paper puts me in mind to conclud theas lines. Your affectinat mother, Bromton, Phe. 28, 1639. Send me word wheather you reseued the band I sent you. Remember my lone to your worthy tutor. BRILL. HARLEY. LXVII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, in Magdilen Hall, Oxford. My Deare Ned -It is my comfort that I inioy so constant aschurance of your health ; in which mercy I hope the Lord will be still gratious to me, and I trust the Lord will croune that mercy in filling you with gras.