Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

ot 1640-41.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 109 XCIV. For my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley. My deare Ned--I thanke you for your letter this weake ; I re- seued it not tell this morning, and then it was wellcome. I thought at the first I had no letter from you, becaus yours had no shuper- scription; but I was well pleased to be so disceaued. It is a great comfort to me to hear the parlament goos on so happily, and that the kinge has consented that the insendereis should be judged. Mr Braughton is now at Bromton, and I beleefe, if Mr. Tomkins be not burges for Webly, he will on munday : Mr. Gower purposes to goo to Heereford, to consult aboute the scandolous ministers, and thos places which haue none. I am glad theare is likly to be so good a corespondency betwne us and the Duch. I am glad to heare my lord is well, but I haue not hard from him yet. Theare is a very fine discours rwiten in Italien, but translated in to Latine ; it is dedicated to Oxsensterne, he that was tresure to the king of Sweden ; if the book desarfe the comendation I could wisch you did reade it, but I can not send you the titell of the booke. I thanke God your brothers and sisters are very well. I pray God blles you, and keepe your hart aboue all the thinges in this life; so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Janu: 9, 1640 Bromton Castell. XCV. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned-This morning I reseeued your letter by Raphe, and I hope theas lines will finde you with your father, wheare I had rather haue you be then at Oxford. I am very glad that the parlament has defered priuet biusnes for a time, to settell the publike ; in which I beseach the Lord direct them and giue them a