Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

122 LETTERS OF THE [1641. CVII. For my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley. My deare Ned -I know not wheather W Laneford will keepe his resolution, to be at Loundoun as soune as the carrier, and theare- fore I desire to let you knowe how your brothers doo, which I per- swad meself you longe affter. I thanke God your brother Tom is pritty well but weake; your brother Robine was ill all day yester- day. Doctor Rwit made haste backe, becaws he did not like your brother when he went away. This day he tooke a vomit, which rought very well with him, and I hope he will be much better for it ; and I trust the Lord will be mercyfull to them and me, in restoreing them both to health ; and I beceach the Lord to continue yours, and to blles you with all bllesinges, as I desire my oune soule should be bllesed. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 27, 1641. Branton Casten. Your sisters, I thanke God, are well. This day Sr Williham Croft is at Wigmore aboute the subsedies. CVIII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned--I hope you are well, and I am glad to heare you are so ; but yet I know not what to thinke, that I had no letter from you, neather by the carrier nor by the post. I long to heare from you, and I beleiue you think I doo. I pray God blles you and keepe you from all euill, especially that of sinn. I thanke God your cosen Smith is well againe. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 28, 1641. Brampton Castell. I beleeue you hear that Mr Weafer, on of the burges of Here- ford, is dead.