Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

142 LETTERS OF THE [1641. leges of His publick ordinancess. I pray God blles you and keepe your hart aboue all the thinges of this life, and I pray God giue you comfortabell meeting with Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. July 23, 1641. Bromton Castell. I beleeue you heare that W Griffitt is a maryed man. I thanke you for the kings manifest. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, at Sr Robert Harley his Loudging in Wesmester. Deare Ned -I heare Mr Moore is come downe. I long to heare from him, how your father and you doo. I pray God I may heare well of you, and that I may see your father and you with comfort. If the howes will site still, yet I hope your father will come down for a littell time. I thanke God I was yesterday at chruch, in the morning, but the affternoune was so weet I durst not goo, and I thanke God I finde myselfe reasnabell well to day. Your brothers are well at Clanuer, and your sisters are well. I pray God blles you, as I desire my owne soule should be bllesed. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. July 26, 1641. Bromton Castell. When you see my brother, tell him I present my saruis to him. CXxXI. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned -I thanke you for your double letter, which was very wellcome to mee. It is Gods great mercy, for which I desire to be thankfull, that your father and you enioye your health. I am sorry that there is no hope of an aorgment of the parlament, for then I feare your father will not come into the cuntrey, where I longe to