146 LETTERS OF THE [1641 -2. Colborne 51. I pray you let somebody bye a littell, barrel of anchouies, becaus you loue them, and a bottell of salad oyle. (No date.) cxxxv. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned--I rwite to you yesterday, and doo it as willingly this day. The last night Bagly came home ; you will beleeue I had longed for your fathers letters before they came. I now desire to heare of your safe comeing to Loundoun. I hope my lord was not goone before you came, and I hope you will make acquaintance with Sr Jhon Conyars, whoo loue, first for my sake, and then for his owne. My deare Ned, the Lord of heauen blles you and presarue you from all euill. Your cozen Cornewell dous not remember her loue to you. Put your father in mind to be carefull of himself : so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Your 2 boxes are not sent vp this weake; becaus I sent your father a desell of Meath, and they could not carry them ; but the next weake, and pleas God, I will send them. Pheb: 5, 1641. Cxxxvl. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley.' My deare Ned -I did the last night, with much contentment, re- ceaue your letter by Jhon Coolborn. I take it for a greate bllesing that you came so well to Loundoun, and that you meet with so good newes theare, as that the bischops are voted in both howes to lous theaire vots theare. I hope the Lord will perfect His owne glorious worke. You know how your fathers biusnes is neglected; and, alas ! it is not speaking will sarue turne, whearé theare