Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1641 -2.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 147 is not abilltise to doo other ways ; thearefore I could wisch, that your father had one of more vnderstanding to intrust, to looke to, if his rents are not payed, and I thinke it will be so. I could desire, if your father thought well of it, that Mr Tomas Moore weare instrusted with it; he knowes your fathers estate, and is an honnest man, and not giuen to greate expences, and thearefore I thinke he would goo the most fruegually way. I knowe it would be some charges to haue him and his wife in the howes ; but I thinke it would quite the chargess. I should be loth to haue a stranger, nowe your father is away. Deare Ned, tell your father what 1 haue rwiten to you, and I pray God derect him in his resolutions; and what he resoulues of, I shall be contened with; so doo not forget to tell your father. I did not rwite him word of it, becaus I would not make my letter so longe to him, and I am not very well at this time; being ill, as I vse to be. I haue, by this carrier, sent vp your rwiteing boox, and your boox of bookes. I pray God blles you, andbeleeue you are most deare to, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. I thanke God my coold is goone. Pkeb: 11, 1641. Brandon Castele. CXXXVII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned-The last night, as I went to super I receued your letter, sent by the Shwsbury post, and you may beleeue mee, it made mee eat my super with a better stoinake then any sause could haue done. I doe much recoige in the kings answer to the petcion of both houses, and that my brother was one of the sixe and threetie lords that voted against the bishopes. I haue sent vp too your father, in youre boxe of books, 2 paire of riding stockings, and I haue sent by this carry, a boxe, of pies for my brother and 2 chees fore him. I pray you, if hee bee not gone, doe you take car to haue