Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1641-2.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 149 inuencions of men. Deare Ned, be carefull of your self, and I beceach the Lord of heauen to blles you, and keepe you, as I desire my owne hart should be keepe. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Pheb: 17, 1641. Brompton Castell. CXXXIX. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned-You desarue many thankes for your letters to me this weeke, which was exceeding wellcome to me, both for the good newes they contained, and becaus they came from you, whoo I mise; for I may booldly say, I haue not bine very merry sence you went. To me, theas mercys of God are such, as may make our harts stand amased at the goodnes of our God, and they are strong bands to tye vs in obedience to our God; for howe can we sinn against so gracious, so merciful! a God, whoo is thus pleased to put forth His wisdome and power, for the healp of His poore chillderen. I am exceeding glad that Sr Jhon Conyars is leftenant of the tower. I hope you are acquainted with him, and I hope you haue deleuered my letter to my brother. They are now aboute a petecion to the parlament, which I hope will be ready to send vp the next weake. My deare Ned, the Lord of heauen blles you and presarue you from all euill. Put your father in minde to be carefull of him- self ; and I desire to know wheather he likes the meath, and wheather my brother had the pyes I sent him. We heare of letters that weare intersepted from my lord Digbe. I desire to know wheather theare was any such thing or no. My deare Ned, still beleeue I am beest pleased, when 1 can expres meself to be, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Pheb: 19, 1641. Brompton Castell.