150 LETTERS OF THE CXL. [1641 -2. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned -I can not lette the carrier goo without rwiteing to you, tho I rwite yesterday by the post of Heariford ; for could I heare from you and send to you every day, I should be glad. By the carrier I haue sent a box in which is a cake and 2 schees with the box; they are directed to you. I pray you scrape out the derection to you, and rwite vpon them for my lady Conyars, and let me put you in trust, to send the cake and schees to her from me, without your father contradict ; for I pray you tell your father of it. I purpos to rwit to my Lady Conyars by my cosen Dauis, whoo says he will goo on munday. Mun cries out to be goon, because of his carage. I pray God blles you ; so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 6, 1641. CXLI. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned -I allways longe to heare from you, but this weakes inteligence in the cuntry made me more ernest to heare, and theare- fore, I with much joy receued your letter last night by the carryer: that your father and selfe inioye your health is much comfort to me ; and, deare Ned, be carefull of yourself for my sake. Many feares did aris in the cuntry, because the kinge gaue such a refusal' to the requeste of both howes, but I hope the Lord will be gratious to this poore land; it was a most remarqabell thinge that shpe was cast away, in which thos fopperis weare. I wisch they may have eyes to see Gods hand. I haue no desire at all, that a stranger should come to looke to your fathers biusness. Now your father is away, you know that I have no body I can speake to ; and if Piner goo away, whoo I dare