1641-2.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 151 trust with any thinge, and whoo . I know loues your father and me, I should much want him; thearefore I desire not to haue any other, that must so wholy put Piner away. I should haue bine glad to haue had Mr Moore, the time your father was away. I amvery glad you like your cosen Conway so well. Your cosen Smith is ill, which has something trubeled me; it is not an ordinary ague he has ; he is now inhis fitt. I thinke doctor Wright will be with him this day. I rwite by the post, becaus there is a man that would lay out a 10001. on something for Rues, and he desire a speady ansure. I was ill affter I rwite last to you, as I vse to be, so that I can not yet make the pyes for your father. I pray God blles you, as I desire the soule should be blles of Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 12, 1641. C%LII. For my deare nonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned -I did thinke to haue made Hall stay tell munday, that so I might haue had so much time more to haue rwite to you in; but Piner sends vp 201. to venture in the Irischwars, and theare- for they desire he might goo with the carryer. I hope things goo one well in the parlament, and that the discontent with the Loun- doners is not so much as it is said to be in the cuntry. I am exceed- ing glad that the affaires goo so well in Ireland. They are about a petecion, but they can not so well agree aboute it, and thearefore I know not when it will be ready. I will, if pleas God, make the pys your father sends for. I wisch your father would bye a cooch and haue conch horsess; I should hope to be abell to take the ayre sometimes. To-morrow theare is a sacrement, and I hope to be at it, thearefore I can say no mor at this time, becaus it is late. Deare Ned, be carefull of yourself, and I beceach the Lord to