Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

152 LETTERS OF THE [1641 -2. blles you and to fill you with gras, and give me a comfortabell see- ing of you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. (No date.) Deare Ned, send me word wheather your father venturs any thinge in Irland, and wheather you thinke that it will be sure and profitabell aduenture into Irland, and wheather it may be doun with- out much truebell. C%LIII. For my Beare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned -I thanke you for your letter by Hall. I did much long to receaue the declaration to the kinge. I thanke you for it; I am sorry the kinge is pleased yet, not to conseaue anny better thoughts of this parlament. The Lord be merciful' to this poore land, and to this cuntrywheare I ame; for I thinke theare is not such another. I heare the justices haue sent vp theare ansure, why they would not take the protestation. Sr William Crof gouerns all of them. Mr Braughton tells me you had taken coold and weare not very well with it. I shall longe to heare how you doo. Deare Ned, be careful' of yourselfe, and I pray God blles you and presarue you in health. I am very well content your father should take another, that his estate might be well looked to, but I desire Piner may stay to receaue the mony, and to lay it out. I thanke God, your cosen Smith is much better. I will, if pleas God, prouid your linnes as soune as I can. I haue by this carrier sent your father 12 pyes and a schees. Mr Braghton brought me no letter from you, which made me sorry; but more sorry that you weare not well. I hope shortly you will have the petition for this county, but Sr Wil- liam Croft disswaded it, as a thing vulawfull to petecion. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 19, 1641.