Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1642.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 153 CXLIV. To her sonne Edward.* by your * * * * * by the keeper. I see thinges stand in a doutful maner, and our healp must be from our God, and I trust the Lord will presarue His poor childeren. I haue not bine well theas 2 days, or elles I could rwite much more to you. Mr Smith toold what I rwit to you by W Braughton. I do not * ' * * * * your sister Brill * * * * * * * ** *journey * * * * *. IhopeMrMoore will goo munday come sen-night, and WYaets is resolued and pleas God to goo then ; and becaus of the fast of the next weake, I am de- sirous she shoude stay till that be past. I pray God blles you, as I desire the soul should be bllesed of Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. April 22, 1642. I haue made 2 shirts for you till I make more. I purpos to send them this weake. CXLV. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, at Mr. Cooles howes, in Chanell Row. My deare Ned -I cannot let Mr Moore goo without a letter to you, tho I rwite to you yesterday by the post of Ludlow. I am perswaded thinges are now come to theaire ripenes, and if God be not very mercyfull to vs, we shall be in a distressed condistion ; but the Lord has promised to heare His chillderen in the day of trubell, and to deliuer them, which I am perswaded He will doo nowe. I longe euery day to heare from you ; I beceach the Lord to pre- sarue you; and deare Ned, be carefull of yourselfe. I haue receued a box with macth and 2 bandeleres ; but the box was open, befor it * This letter is much injured by damp. CAMD. SOC. X