Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

154 LETTERS OF THE L1642. came to me. I purpos, and pleas God, that your sister Brill shall begine her journey to Loundoun on munday comsenight, and Piner and Hackelet shall goo with her. Mr Yeats, I beleeue, will goo with her ; your cosen Smith has not bine well, tho his ague was goone, so that I was fame to send for doctor Wright for him. He came when the keeper brought your letter, which was on friday, so he meet your letter, for which he returnes many thankes, and would not now rwite to you, becaus he desires when he dons, to rwit aboute Potters biusness, which he will, when he has spoken with a lawer. He desires you would doo him the fauor to bye him 2 muskets and rests and bandeliers, and 15 or 16 pound of poweder in a barell, and he desires you would send them by Lemster carrier, and so derected them to Brompton, and he will glue order to haue them sent to Heariford, and will send you what they cost. T am not yet very well, and yesterday I was something ill. I pray God bales you and presarue you in all safety ; so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BMWANA HARLEY. Apri: 23, 1642: Brompton Castell. Doctor Wright telles me that Mr Weafer is still sike, and for his part he would haue doun his vtmost, that you might haue had that place. C%LVI. For my deare Bonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned-You cannot conceaue how wellcome your letters are to me ; yet beleeue I give you thankes for them. I receued one by the post and another by the carrier this weake. I see the dis- tance is still keepe betwne the kinge and parlament. The Lord in mercy make them one, and in His good time incline the kinge to be fully assured in the faithfull counsell of the parlament. Our God has doun greate thinges, and I hope He will still glorify Himselfe in exerciseing of His mercy to vs His poore saruants. And, my deare Ned, it is my greate comfort that you haue made your God your