Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1642.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 155 confidence; and this is most sure, He will neuer faile you. I purpos, and pleeas God, your sister Brill shall begine her journey to Loun- doun on munday next, and I hope shee will be abell to reacher Wickam by wensday night ; wheare I hope shee shall meete you at the Catterne wheele ; shee much longes for this journey. Piner and Hackelet and Prichard goo vp with her, and Mr Yeats and his wife. This night Mr Old tells me that Mr Nweport is maried; for my Lady Nweport sent to Shrewsbury to haue the bells rounge for it. I wishee, and please God, I had the like ocation of reioyceing. Your cosen Smith is now well. Doctor Wright stayed with him 3 or 4 dayes, and gaue him somethinge, which has doun him much good. I was ill when dotter Wright was with your cosen Smith, and so I haue bine sence he went ; but I haue taken nothing of him sence you went. Deare Ned, be careful of yourselfe, and I beceach the Lord in much mercy to blles you whith all His bllessings, and I wisch you much ioye in your nwe lodging in Lincons Ine. I beleeue your father misess you, and I am sure I doo. I pray you send me word how you like your commons; so I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Apr: 29, 1642, Brompton Castell. Mr Gower is very well pleased that he is chosen on of the ministers. CXLVII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned-But that 1 loue to say something to you my selfe, I might thinke this letter might be spared, sence your sister is the bearer of it, whoo can tell you how how all dons at Brompton ; but, ' becaus shee cannot giue me the content by her discours with you, as if I did so, I am glad to take this way of discours ; for I exceed-