156 LETTERS OF THE [1642. ingly long to see you, and I hope God will, in His good time, giue xne that comfort. I haue sent you 2 shirts by your sister and haue sent for cloth to make you 4 more, which shall be sent you, as soune as I can, if pleas God. I hope theas will meete you at Wickam, wheare I know and at Loundon, you will be very carefull of your sister ; shee is yonge, thearefore, deare Ned, obsarue her carage, and let not your counsell be wanting to her, and I hope shee will have so much wisdome to take it. I am toold that Sr William Croft shall be burges if Mr Weafer dye, whoo they say is very like. I cannot but let you know what hapned the other day, which may shame all the rest that haue spoken ill of your dear father. I was toold, that on Mr Fox spake ill of your father, which he hard of, and came to me to excuse himself, with many protestations, that he neuer did so, and how ready he would be to doo your father saruis : he is Mr Foxes sone, that is at Creete ; your sister Brill can tell you all the story of it. Let your father know of it. I pray God blles you with all the grases of His spirit. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Apr: 30, 1642. Brompton Castell. On the back of the letter are thefollowing arithmetical processes. b Ll b 216 -9 -767 216 9 31 216)6903 216 -- 42 648 311 --- -- 207 6696 207 216 6903