Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

APPENDIX. 227 the Command of the House, told them, that this House finds their Petition full of great Expressions of Duty to his Majesty, and of Love and Respects to this House and the Commonwealth, (for which they give you Thanks,) and full of great Concernment to the Commonwealth ; which they command me to tell you, they will take into serious Consideration, so soon as may stand with ' # # The petition was as follows, here printed from a printed paper, endorsed in Sir Robert Harley's handwriting " HEREFORDSHIRE PETITION, 1642." " To the honorable, the Knights, Cittizens, and Bvrgesses of the Com- mons Hovse assembled in Parliament. " The humble Petition of the High Sheriffe and divers of the Gentrey, Ministers, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the county of Hereford. Most humbly sheweth, " That with all thankfulnesse we acknowledge those many and great Blessings we have already received through God's mercy, the favour of our Gratious Soveraigne, the Wisdome, Conned', Sollicitation, and unwearied Paines and Patience of this Honorable Assembly, for the preservation of the Priviledges of Parliament, and liberties of the Subject, the removing of many of these Obstructions which hindred your good endevours ; your zealous furthering of bleeding Ireland's Reliefe, earnest desire of disarm- ing Papists, and securing of their persons ; your prudent care in disposing the Militia, Navie, and places of Importance of this Kingdome to such per- sons of Trust as may (by God's blessing) give assurance of safetie to the King's Royall person, and good subjects of all his Majesties Dominions : your Pious Care to settle a Government in the Church according to the Word of God, your godly desires to prevent the Prophaning of the Lord's day ; To take away pluralities and Non Residents, and your zeale to provide Preaching Ministerie throughout the Kingdome, whereof this County stands in great neede, it now abounding with insufficient, Idle, and Scandalous Ministers, whereby the people generally are continued in Ignorance Super- stition, and prophanenesse, and are ready to become a prey to popish sudu- cers, which Idolatrous profession hath of late yeares with much boldnesse appeared in this County : And wheras one of our cheife Commodities is