Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

APPENDIX. 231 Aprili 16th, 1642. -The halfe years rent for Kingsland, Burrington, and Wigmore Parke was paid to Mr. William Geears, then receiver. Aprili 1Ith, 1643 ?-The whole years rent was paid to Mr. Gervase Blackwall, receiver. Octob. 16, 1643, was paid the halfeyears rent to the said Mr. Blackwall. No. IV. LETTER 12 AUG. 1647, SIGNED, DENZELL HOLLES, WALTER LONG, WILL. LEWIS, Jo. CLOTWORTHY, WILLIAM WALLER, PII. STA- PILTON, ANTH. NICOLL, TO EDWD. HARLEY. Noble Sr-The place where you lodge and the necessity of our privacy have denied vs of the opportunity of visitinge you, which wee have very much desired. Wee haue now gotten our passes to trauell, and beinge as carefull of you as of our selves, haue procured yours also, which wee send you heere inclosed. Wee intend to goe away speedily, and the most of vs into the Low Countryes, from whence wee shall (God willinge) giue you notice in what place wee shall stay. Sr, wee hartily pray for your health, and much desire the happinesse of your company, as a person of soe much honnor and worth, that wee have a very greate obligation vpon vs to be for euer, Sr, Your very affectionate freinds and humble seruants, (Signed) WILLIAM WALLER. WILL. LEWIS. DENZELL HOLI.ES. PH. STAPILTON. JO. CLOTWORTHY. WALTER LONG. ANTH: NICOLE. 12th ofAug. 1647. Endorsed -" From the II."