Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

APPENDIx. 237 No. VII. LETTER FROM EDWARD HARLEY TO THE MASTER AND FELLOWS OF CAIUS COLL. 14 DEC. 1658. EDWARD HARLEY to the Reverend and Worthy the Master and Fellowes of Gonvil and Caius Colledg in Cambridg -present these. Reverend and Worthy-The leas of the rectory of Folden in Norfolk, granted by your society to my wifes mother, the Lady Button, and by her death accrewing to us, wee desire in Gods fear, so far as lies in us, to restore that portion of the Lords to the seruice of the Lord. We would choos silently to discharge this duty; but we hope God will inclin the hearts of so worthy a school of the prophets, both to place a godly and lerned pastor at Folden, now voyd, ,and to perpetuat that mayntenance which I can only perform for a few years. In order to which we are willing to resign our leas upon these terms,-viz. That you wil promis under your hands to joyn your best endevors with ours, that assoon as may be, by act of Parlement, the profits of the rectory of Folden sur- mounting your rent reserued upon our leas, may be vnited to the vicarag, and settled for ever upon the incumbent minister at Folden ; that until this vnion be effected, according to law, you will renew the leas for twenty- and one years future, either to myself or some other person of responsible estat and integrity, only in trust and for the use and benefit of the minister of Folden for the time being, which leassee shal also giv bond of 500 lb. penalty not to concert the profits aforsaid to any other use then is ex- pressed. Concerning the next incumbent, I beseech you accept my thanks for your curteous offer by Mr. Naylor, of the nomination, of which favor I shall only desire this, that before you confer your presentation, the person may be aproved by my reverend friend Dr. Tuckney. I understand the benefit of my leas will augment the mayntenance to 100 lb. yearly, which wil be a comfortable subsistence for an able divine. To such an one I