Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

240 APPENDIX. repaire unto the lodgings of Major Robert Harlowe, or unto any other place or places where you shall understand the said Major Robert Harlow to he, and him the said Major Harlow to apprehend, and in safe custody to bring before the Councell to answer such matters as shall be objected against him. And all mayors, sheriffes, justices of the peace, constables, and other officers are required to be aiding and assisting in the due execution of the pre- mises ; and for so doing this shal be your sufficient warrant. Given at Whitehall this 28th of December, 1658. Signed in the name and by order of his Highnes and the Councell. (Signed) HE. LAWRENCE, Presdt. To Edward Dendy, Esq. Srt at Armes, or to his deputy or deputies. LETTER FROM SIR EDWARD HARLEY TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR CLARENDON. 12 DEC. 1665. May it please your Lordship -I humbly address this to wipe off that breath would intercept the clearness of your Lordship's favor, wherein (in that degree became me) I thought myself happy. My Lord Bishop of Hereford since his return from Parliament told me that your Lordship had acquainted him you had received some late informations concerning me, as if I were not well affected, neither to the church nor state, and that I countenanced factious persons. Particular instances or proofs of this general accusation my Lord Bishop did not mention to me,