APPENDIX. 247 of such proof, without any harm to myself. Many dangerous falls on horseback I have had, specially when I was wonderfully preserved, my horse stumbling and falling into a ditch near Orleton, in frosty weather, but was never by any fall much hurt. I have often been preserved in journeys and voyages from thieves ; from waters, specially in a dangerous passage once at Newnham. Many times I crossed the sea between England and Flanders, allway s safely; though once, in a great storm, constrained to lye at anchor 36 hours over against Graveling, 1661. I was delivered from the malitious accusation of the army, 1647, and my God made my speech in my defence in Parliament acceptable. That year I was preserved from the plague, of which my servant died, and at the same time recovered from a dangerous pestilential fever. In 1649 I had a long lingering distemper, which ended in a violent sickness with vomiting and purging at Wigmore ; but, though the chastening was sore and deserved, I was not given over to death, but God restored me to health. Afterward I was preserved from the cruelty of that power which put to death holy Mr. Love. In 1654 I was recovered from a grievous ague, which had seized me in Devonshire. Some years I was visited with the gout, but through mercy the fits have been short, and my limbs restored to me ; and now for above two years I have not been disabled with that disease. In 1640 God was pleased, with a fatherly wisdom and goodness, to visit me with a rupture, by which I was for many years kept humble and from many temptations. I used often many medicines and remedies prescribed by physitians and chirurgions, but without effect, yet after it had been upon me more than twenty years, it pleased God to heal that breach upon me, without the use of any remedy whatoever, so that I have been perfectly well for several years. This is a most bountiful favour. O Lord 1 heal my soul of all vain desires, and accept my strength to serve the God of my life. 01 let me never forget this signall blessing. Teach me, oh my God ? to love thee with all my strength, and never to doubt the love of God Almighty, all sufficient, in whatever condition I shall be exercised, for my God is my life and the length of my days. In all distress during the warrs, when my father lost all his estate, his houses burnt, and for three years had not any thing of his own for his family, we had allways meat to eat and raiment to put on. Praised be my God, that bath granted me thecomforts of life, healthy constitution, usefull