1625-6.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 3 I pray you present my humbell duty to my father, and my lady. My cosen Thomkins remembers her loue to you. Brompton, the 17 of Mar. 1625. Iv. To my deare husband S' Robert Harley. Deare Sr-Your two leters, on from Hearifort and the other from Gloster, weare uery wellcome to me : and if you knwe howe gladly I reseaue your leters, I beleeue you would neeuer let any opertunity pase. I hope your cloche did you saruis betwne Gloster and my brother Brays, for with vs it was a very rainy day, but this day has bine very dry and warme, and so I hope it was with you; and to-morowe I hope you will be well at your journis end, wheare I wisch my self to bide you wellcome home. You see howe my thoughts goo with you : and as you haue many of mine, so let me haue some of yours. Beleeue me, I thinke I neuer miste you more then nowe I doo, or ells I haue forgoot what is past. I thanke God, Ned and Robin arewell; and Ned askes every daywheare you are, and he says you will come to-morowe. My father is well, but goos not abrode, becaus of his fiseke. I haue sent you vp a litell hamper, in which is the box with the ryteings and boouckes you bide me send vp, with the other things, sowed up in a clothe, in the botome of the hamper. I haue sent you a partriche pye, which has the two pea chikeins in it, and a litell runlet of meathe, that which I toold you I made for my father. I thinke within this muthe, it will be verygood drinke. I sende it vp nowe becausI thinke carage when it is ready to drincke dons it hurt ; thearefore, andplease you to let it rest and then taste it; if it be good, I pray you let my father haue it, because he spake to me for such meathe. I will nowe bide you god night, for it is past a leauen a cloke. I pray God presarue you and giue you good sugsess in all your biusnes, and a speady and happy meeting. Your most faithfull affectinat wife, BRILLIANA HARLEY.