8 LETTERS OF THE [1638. X. To my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley. Good Need -I was dublly glad to reseaue your letter, bothe for the asshureanc of your comeing weell to Oxford, and that I reseued it by your fathers hand, whoo, I thanke God, came well home yes- terday, aboute foore a cloke. I am glad you like Oxford ; it is true it is to be liked, and happy are we, when we like both places and condistions that we must be in. If we could be so wise, we should finde much more swetness in our lifes then we do : for sartainely theare is some good in all condistions (but that of sinn), if we had the arte to distract the sweet and leaue the rest. Nowe I ernestly desire you may haue that wisdome, that from all the flowers of learneing you may drawe the bunny and leaufe the rest. I amglad you finde any that are good, wheare you are. I belleue that theare are but feawe nobellmens sonne in Oxford ; for now, for the most part, they send theaire sonnes intoFrance, when they are very yonge, theaire to be breed. Send me word wheather my brother Bray doo send to you, and wheather Sr Robert Tracy did come to see you, for he toold your father he would ; and let me knowe howe sheawes you any kindenes, when you haue a fitte opertuenity. Comend my saruis to Mrs. Willkeson and tell her I thanke her, for her fauor to you. I may well say, you are my well-beloved chilld; thearefore I cane not but tell you I mise you. I thanke God I am somethinge better with my coold then I was ; your brother Robine has had no fite sence the Munday before you went away ; the rest of your sisters and brother, I thanke God, are well. Remember me to your tutor. If you would haue any thinge, let me knowe it. Bee not for- getful) to rwit to me ; and the Lord in mercy blles you, both with grase in your soule and the good things of this life. Your most affectinat mother till death, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Be carefull to keepe the Sabath. Nov. 2, 1638. --- - -- -,:.:_ --- .-_:.. . . _. - ------ ----.. > - _ : u