1638.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 9 XL To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, in Magdeline Halle in Oxford. Good Ned -I beceach the Lord to blles you with those choys bllesings of his Spirit, which none but his deare ellect are partakers of ; that so you may taste that sweetness in Gods saruis which indeed is in it: but the men of this world can not perseaue it. Thinke it not strange, if I tell you, I think it longe sence I hard from you ; but my hope is that you are well, and my prayers are that you may be so. As you say you haue founde your tutor kinde and carefull of you, so I hope he will be still. If you wante any thinge, let me knowe it. On Saterday last I hard from your aunte Pelham: shee and all hers are well. I beleeue you haue all the inteligence of the Quene mothers arrivall and entertainement, thearefore I will omite it. Your father, I thanke God, is well ; and for meself, I haue not yet shaked off my coold. Your brother Roberd by Gods mercy to him has bine yet free from his fitts, and goos to scoule carefully; and I hope he is now so wise to see his stubborneness was not the way to gain any thinge but re- proufe. I purpos, if pleas God, to send the next weeke to see you. Your father prays God to blles you. Remember me to your tutor, and I beceach the Lord to keepe you from all euil. I haue sent you some juce of licorich, which you may keepe to make vse of, if you should haue a coold. So I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton, Nove. 13, 1638. XII. To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Good Need-This day I reseued a letter from you, in which you rwite me, that you had resit to me the weake before; which letter I haue not reseued, so that I thought it longe sence I hard from you. It is my ioye that you are well, and I beceach the Lord to continue your health, and aboue all to giue you that CAMD. SOC. C