Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 11 raised and most of his army defeated, and his brother taken prisner; but this is our comfort, that the rod of the wicked shall not allways rest on Gods peopell. I haue sent Hall purposly to see you ; for, sence I can not speake with you, nor see you so offten as I desire, I am willing to make make theas paper mesengers my depuety. I hope I shall heare from you by this mesenger ; I thanke God your father is well, and your brother Robert has had no fitte sence you went. He goos to scoule and eates his meate well; and I hope the Lord will spare him. You must rwit to him ; you know he is apte to aprehend vnkindness. When you rwite by the carrier, rwite nothing but what any may see, for many times the letters miscarry. My deare Ned, you may see how willing I am to discourse with you, that have spoune out my letter to this lentghe. I thanke God my coold is goon. I beceach the Lord to blles you, as I desire my owne smile should be bllesed Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. I haue sent you a cake, which I hope you will eate in mory of Bromton. Bromton, Nove. 17, 1638. XIII. To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, in Magdeline Hall, in Oxford. Good Need -I rescued a letter from you this weake, by the carrier; it was very wellcome to me, for sence I can not see you, I am glad to haue the contentment of a paper conuersing with you, for still you are most deare to me, and I hope euer will be. When I rwit to Gorge that I had not hard from you (as I thought a longe time) I had then rescuedno letter sence I did that sent by Looker, but now I haue rescued all you haue rwit to me, but that bymy brother Brays man. As I much reioyce to be asshured of your health, as much as I inioye my owne, so much more dons it reioyce me that the Lord dous so in mercy incline your hart to seeke him, and that you finde sweetnes in his ways. The Lord, whoo only has the harts of men in his hands, keep your hart cloose to his feare; that you may remember your Creator now, in the days of your youth ; that