Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 13 XIV. To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Good Ned -I haue now reseued your letter by my brother Brays man. I giue God thankes that you are recouered from that indispo- tion you fellt, and thanke you that you did send me word of it; for I desire to knowe howe it is with you in all condistions. If you are ill, my knoweing of it stire me vp more ernestly to pray for you. I beleeue that indispotion you feelt was caused by some violent exersise: if you vse to swinge, let it not be violently; for exersise should be rather to refresch then tyer nature. You did well to take some bolsome; it is a most sufferen thinge, and I purpos, if pleas God, to rwite you the vertues of it. Deare Ned, if I could as easely conuae meself to you as my letters, I would not be so longe absent from you; but, sence I must waite for that comfort, I joy in this, that I asshure meself, your prayers and mine meete dayly at the throne of grase. I must nowe tell you, your letter, by the carrier this weake, was wellcome to me ; and your father has reseued his from you, and one from your tutor. I take it for a greate bllesing, that your worthy tutor giues so good a testimony of you, and that you esterne him so highely. I blles the Lord, that has giuen you fauor in his eyes, to seet his good will vpon you. It is found experimentally true that conquerores must be as carefull to keepe what they haue gained as they were to obtained it. It is alike true, we must be, as carefull and stuedious to keepe good opinions and affections towords vs as we weare to game them ; and I hope you will be a good prac- ticinor of that leesson. Deare Ned, if you would haue any thinge, send me word ; or if I thought a could pye, or such a thinge, would be of any plesure to you, I would send it you. But your father says you care not for it, and Mrs. Pirson tells me, when her sonne was at Oxford, and shee sent him such thinges, he prayed her that shee would not. I thanke you for the Man in the Moline. I had hard of the booke, but not seene it ; by as much as I have looke vpon, I find it is some kine to Donqueshot. I would willingly haue the French booke you rwite me word of ; but if it can be had, I desire