Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

16 LETTERS OF THE [1638. xvi. To her son Edward. Good Ned -I haue a nwe wellcome for euery letter you send, and a nwe thankes to you for it. I blles God that you are well ; the Lord in mercy continue your health, for shure I am, if you be well, I counte it vpon my owne score, and thinke meself so. My deare Ned, be still wacthfull ouer your self, that custome in seeing and heareing of vice doo . not abate your distaste of it. I blles my God, for thos good desires you haue, and the comfort you finde in the sarfeing your God. Be confident, he is the beest Master, and will giue the beest waiges, and they weare the beest liuery, the garment of holynes, a clotheing which neuer shall weare out, but is renwed euery day. I remember you in my prayers, as I doo my owne soule, for you are as deare to me as my life. I hope in a speciall maner, we shall remember you at the fast ; and, deareNed, thinke vpon that day, howe your father is vsed to spend it, that so you may haue like affections to ioyne with vs. Let. your desire be offtner presented before your God that day; and the Lord, whoo only heares prayers, heare vs all. Deare Ned, be carefull to vse exersise; and for that paine in your backe, it may be caused by some indispocion of the kidnes. I would haue you drinke in the morning beare boyled with licorisch ; it is a most excelent thinge for the kidnes. For the booke, if you can not have it in French, send it me in Inglisch : and I will, ifpleas God, send you mony for it. Deare Ned, it is verywell doun, that you submite to your fathers desire in your clothes ; and that is a happy temper, both to be contented with plaine clothes, and in the weareing of better clothes, not to thinke one selfe the better for them, nor to be trubelled if you be in plane clothes, and see others of your rancke in better. Seneque had not goot that victory ouer himselfe; for in his cuntry howes he lined priuetly, yet he complaines that when he came to the courte, he founde a tickeling desire to like them at court. I am so vnwilling that you should goo to any place without your worthy tutor, that I send this mesenger expresly to your tutor, with a letter