Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638-9.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 21 XIX. To her son Edward. Deare Ned -I pray God blles you, first with thos rich grasess of his Spirit, and then with the good things of this life. I haue thought it longe sence I hard from you ; and I can not be very mery, tell it pleases God, to giue me that comfort; my hope is that you are well, tho I haue bine in a greate deale of feare of it. I haue thought theas three weakes a longe time ; but I hope the Lord will in mercy refresch me, with good asshurance of your being well. I may well say, that my life is bounde with yours, and I hope I shall neuer haue caus to recall or repent of my loue, with which I lone you. I rwite to you by the carrier, and to Gorge Griffets. I rwit the last weake: but I heare from none of you. I thanke God, your father is well. Yesterday he came from my Lady Cornewells, wheare he was, about the shute which shee and her daughters haue with Sr Gillberd Cornewell. Theare, he meet with Mr. Penell and his sonne, whoo is, of Oxford. Your father sayes, he is a very pretty jentellman ; he toold your father he would goo to see you ; if he doo, vse him kindely. His mother was Sr Edwarde Griuell's daughter, and so shee was my cosen, and you haue cans to esterne your, my kindered, which I beleeue you doo. Mr Scidamore, that dwells hard by Heariford, whoo maried my Lord Scidamores sister, toold your father the other day at Heriford, that he would see you at Oxford ; he has bine a brood in France and Italy : if he doo come to you, be carefull to vse himwith all respect. But in the etertaine- ing of any such, be not put out of your self; speeke freely, and all ways remember, that they are but men; and for being gentellmen, it puts no distance betwne you ; for you haue part in nobellness of bearth: tho some have place before you, yet you may be in theare company. And this I say to you, not to make you proude or consaited of your self, but that you should knowe yourself, and so not to be put out of your self, when you are in better company then ordineray: for I haue seene many, when they come in to good company, loose