Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

24 LETTERS OF THE [1638-9. very littell to him ; and not heareing, as I thought, so longe from you, made me afraide ; but nowe, I thanke God for his mercy to me, that I haue hard with comfort from you. The Lord in mercy continue your health, and, aboue, the Lord in his rich mercy giue you such life in Christ, that you may haue a stronge and finely soule, allways actife in the ways of gras. My deare Ned, be carefull of yourself, and forget not. Doo exersise; for health can no more be had without it, then without a good diet. I much reioyce, and giue the Lord thankes, that Mr Pirkins was an instruement to bringe two in my deare bro- thers famerly out of darkenes into light, and from the power of sin, vnder the sweet regement of our Lord Christ Jesus. I am confident, your worthy tutor reioyces in it, that he did so shine as to bringe glory to his Lord and Master ; and as the worke is begonne, and we reioyce in it, so I desire from my soule, that the Lord would perfect it. I begone with this, becaus I most reioyce in it; and nowe I must tell you, I am glad my brothers howes, is so well gouered, and that his daughter and sonne are of so good dispocions. I pray God, add gras to it, and then it will be a sweet harmmony. I am not sorry that euery one tells you, you are like my lord. I haue not bine very well theas three days, and so enforsed me to keepe my beed, as I haue donne many times, when you weare with me. I hope, I shall be able to rise to day. My letter should haue bine longer, had not I bine in beed. I heare my Lord Conway is goone suddainely into Ireland, and that he has a troup of boors, but more of that, a nother time. Your father, I hope, is well. He purposed to be with Mr Vahans at Mockes, and to be at home this night. The Lord blles you, and beleeue that I am neuer weary in expresing meself to be, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Janu: 26, 1638. Deere Ned,-My agge is no secret ; tho my brother Bray is something mistaken in it. When I was maried to your father, your father would haue bine asked in the chruch, but my lord would be nomeans consent ; what his reson was, I know not. Then they haue a custome, that, when they fetch out the listens, the aggof the woman,