Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638-9.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 25 must be knowne; so that, if I would haue hide my agg, then it must be knowne, and then I was betwne two or three and twenty. I was not full three and twenty, but in the listens they rwit me three and twenty, and you knowe how longe I haue bine maried, for you know how old you are, and you weare borne when I had bine maried a yeare and 3 months. My brother Bray has bine a maried man ever since I can remember, and I neuer had much aquentance with him, but I knwe he was my brother, and so I could not be a stranger to him, and he is a very good man. XXII. To my deare sonne M' Edward Harley. Good Ned-This day I reseued your letter by the carrier; it was wellcome to me; and I blles God that you are well, beceaching the Lord in mercy to keepe his feare in your harte, that so you may walke in the ways that leads to life, and avoide all the bye paths that tend to death. I was confident that my lady Cope would vse you courtesely, and I beleeue she keepes her state, as all nobellmens daugtres doo; tho I doo not. Your ouncell Bray sent home Spot the llast weake, and then he writ to your father, howe glad he was of you, and he expreses a large good opinion of you, which I hope you will ansure with respect to him and his. I am 'sorry his sonne has no better aquantance, or rather I am sorry that he relescheth thos that are of no worth in respect of goodness. My deare Ned, pray ernestley to God, to put such a principell of gras into your hart, from which you may lone thos that are worthy of lone, and then no ill company will be pleaseing to you. I heare as you doo of the displaceing of my lord Anckeram and my lord Morton, that was captaine of the gard, and the leftenant of the Tower; but I did not heare of Mr. Treashurer remoueall. I beleeue you haue hard, that my lord of Arendell eateing of oyesters, the oyesters were bluddy, and affterwards thought he sawe a man runeing at him CAMP. SOC. E