30 LETTERS OF THE [1638 -9. northern parts, not to be absent from theaire remaine for the gard of theare cuntrey; which I sister Pelhams comeing to me. Deare Ned, rwite againe to my cosen T Simons. xxv. howes, but theair to feare will hinder my omkins and to Mr To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My good Ned-The Lord in mercy blles you, and giue you interest in his sonne Christ, and such a measure of holyness, that you may Hue heare like his child. It is my comfort, that you inioye your health, and I beceach the Lord, to continue that mercy to you. I perswade meself you are carefull to improufe your time; this is your time of haruest, and that time being ouer -slipt, it cannot be recalled. I am glad to heare you are cheerefull. Inio_y that bllesing, when God giues it you, for cheerefullness of spirit giues more freedome in the performeance of any duety. I hope, as you doo, that the nwes of so many being masacred is not true; the great God of heawen and earth looke in mercy vpon his poore peopell. It is reported, from all parts, the french haue a very great army. I can not thinke yet, that the french would take this time to come into Ingland, when we stand vpon our garde and such prepe- rations for wars. And the report is, that theare goos 30000 fooute and 10000 hoors with the king to Yorke; so that a forieng enimye could not come in a time more disaduantages to him. But if we fight with Scotland, and are ingaged in that ware, then a foren enimy may take his time of aduantage. The taus is the Lords; and He will worke, for his owne glory. Deare Ned, you may re- member I haue offten spoke to you aboute theas times ; and my deare Ned, would I weare with you one day, to open my minde more largly than I can by rwriteing. They call to super, theare- fore I must hasten my letter, but first I must tell you, I haue sent you by the carrier a boxe, derected to you, in which is a turky