Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638-9.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 31 pye and 6 pyes, such as my lord, your grandfather did lone. I hope to remember you againe in lent. Send me word, wheather you reseaue them, and wheather they be good. Mr. Simons is very ill and very weake. I wisch his wife be not a widowe againe. For Mr. Walcotes sake, I will perswade them to send theare sonne to your tutor : but Mr. Cradock is the only man that preuails with them. I thanke God, your Father is well, and so is your brothers and sisters, with Ned Smith: so in hast, I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Pheb: 15, 1638. I haue sent your tutor a box of dryed plumes, the box is derected to you ; tell him it is a Lenten token. Remember my saruis to him. XXVI. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Good Ned -I beceach the Lord to blles you, with thos choyes bilesings, which are only the portion of his effect; in which the men of this life, haue no part. They are hide from theaire eyes. Only in the day of trubell and death, then they knowe theare is a happi- nes belongeing to Gods chillderen, which they would then partake of, and howlle, for the wante of that comfort. This day I reseued your letter, and that you are well is so much comfort to me, that when 1 am ascured of it, it sweetens other trubells, which I goo vnder. Deare Ned, doo not let your dyet be, this Lent, all togeather fisch. I am well pleased, if the pyes fitted your tast, and your frinds. Diuers reports theare be, and it is lightly, the papis will furnisch themselfs, as well as they can. Theare is a booke, which is rwitten by a papis that is conuerted; it discouers much; I would, if I could, bane gained it and haue sent you the booke. I forgot the last time, I rwit to you, to let you knowe the arming, which was seence vpon the seae, were Hollenders ; they fought with the Dunckerckes, and had the victory ; but what loos the Dunckerckes had, is not yet sartainely knowne. I beleeue