Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638-9.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 33 Remember my saruis to your worthy tutor. I thinke the carryer goo by Acton, wheare my lady Conway dwells, when they goo to Loundon. XXVII. For S° Robert Harley, Kinght of the Bath. My deare Sr,-This is only to let you knowe, we are all well, which I had rather tell you, then send the bare message by another. I blless God, that you arewell ; and hope the Lord, will giue you a safe returne home to morrow, wheare you are longed for. Nowe the Lord in mercy presarue you from all that is euile ; desireing still to be beloued by you, as Your most affectinat wife, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Mar: 12, 1638. Endorsed in Sir Robert's handwriting, " fro' my wife." XXVIII. To my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley, Oxford. My good Ned-The last weake being not well, I could not inioye this contentment of rwiteing to you. You may remember, that when you weare at home, I was offten enforsed to keepe my beed; it pleases God, it is so with me still, and when I haue thos indispotions, it makes me ill for some time affterwards. It is the hand of my gratious God; and tho it be sharp, yet when I looke at the will of God in it, it is sweetned to me: for to me, theare is nothing can sweeten any condistion to vs, in this life, but as we looke-at God in it, and see ourselfs his saruants in that condistion in which we are. Thearefore when I consider my owne afflictions, they are not so bitter, when I looke at the will of my God in it. He is pleased it should be so, and then, should not I be pleased it should be so 2 And I hope, the Lord will giue me a hart still to waite vpon my God ; and I hope the Lord will looke gratiously vpon me. CARD. SOC. F