Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 37 theare came a letter from the lord leftenants, with commande from the hinge to prees 200 men for soulders, and that they should be at theare randevous the first of April]. ; theare ran- devous is Assbe, as I take it, neare Yorke ; neare Yorke the towne is, if that be not the name. If you weare with me, I could tell you more of my minde ; all the ministers are sent to, for mony. Good Mr Steuenson has pleaded a true excuse, his poouerty, haueing 7 chillderen and the sikeness of his wife. Howe it will take, I knowe not, but shure it is true; his wife is still ill, vnder the chrugens hands, but doctor Deodat is not yet come. My deare Ned, I long to see you, and I trust the Lord will giue me that comfort. I thanke God the Lord voutsafed me, that priuelly on the last Lords day, that I was partaker of the comfort in his publike ordinance. Mr Gower did not preach, but on Mr Blineman did, whoo preached very well; he says, he knowes you, and he commends Mr Pirkins very much, which I am very glad to heare so large a commendation as he giues; he is nowe without a place, being lately put out of one. He teaches the scoule tell Mr Simons be abell. I thanke God, I tooke no hurt in gooing to chruch ; a littell coold I haue, but I hope it will weare away. I ride one day a broode. I wisched you with me. I beleeue you will be glad to heare, that Mr Gower has mised two fitts. My cosen Pris remains still ill, and I can not but thinke that his drinke- ing of so warme beare has donne him hurt. Your brother Robert had one fite, a weake sence, but sense that he has bine very well, but alas ! he cares not to gain any jentile corage, comes littell to me, but when I exacte it from him; but your brother Thomas is of another minde ; your sisters are well. I heare that the kinge begane his journy the 28 of this month. The lord mayor of Loundone has a commistion sealed himby the kinge, to exicute martiall lawe, if theare should be any insorection, when the king is goon. My deare Ned, the Lord in mercy blles you, so in bast I rest, Your most affectinat mother, BRILLTANA HARr.EY. Brornton Mar: 29, 1639.