1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 39 president, to command the depuety lefftenants to haue part of the trained band in rediness, against they are sent for: and the number of them in all countes are acording to that list I sent you. My lord of Arondall is generallisomoe, and my lord of Exexe is lefftenant generali, my lord Nweport a courenell, and Sr Jacob Aschely another corenell. This bearor will tell you, that my cosen Pris is dead ; he dyed yesterday ; he has made your father and my cosen Smith his excexotors, which is the ocation of this bearors gooing vp to Loundon. Besides the hast of this bearor, my cosen Foxe and her mother, with other strangers; thearefore I must conclud, but it is with my ernest prayers to the Lord to blles you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. 3 Aprili, 1639. I haue sent you by this bearor a littell box, in which is my wactch, lone it better than you would another wacth; becaus it was yoor good grandfathers. You must not over winde it and it will goo very well. In very greate haste. XXXI. For my deare sonne Mr Edward Harley, in Magdeline Halle, Oxford. Deare Ned-Theare is no earthly thinge that is of more comefort to me than your being well, thearefore you may easely beleeue your letters are sweet comforts to me, and so was your letter this weake. I bites my God that you haue your health, and the Lord in mercy continue that comfort to you and me. My deare Ned, I should be exceeding glad, if your tutor would be willing to let you come home at Whitesuntide ; if he will but say the word, I beleeue all partyes would agree ; but then I thinke you would desire to goo to the Act, and that would be to much for you; for I desire ifpleas the Lord, to haue you at home the longevacation as they call it. My deare Ned, let me knowe your minde, wheather you are willing, and wheather