40 LETTERS OF THE [1639. your tutor be so too, but so that he will be pleased to spend some time with vs at Bromtone. As they doo at Oxford, so they doo in all places, take liberty to inuaye against Puretans. We heare the Scothes haue taken the posestion of the kings howes in Eddenboro. Shure this somer is likely to produce greate matters. The Lord sheawe mercy vpon his poor saruants. I hard the queene as soune as the knige left Loundon to goo towards Yorke, went to her heed with much sorrow. I rwite to you on wensday last by the gardner, but it was in such hast that I beleue you could hardly reede it. I rwit you word your cosen Prise had made your father and my cosen Smith his excexo- tors, and thus he has disposed of his estate; they say his land is worth 300 a yare; he owes 2 thousand and 5 hundered pound and some say 3 hunderd pound more. He has giuen to his two sisters chillderen, 12 hundred pounds, and to his brother, 30 pounds a yare anwety; this will he made when he was last at Loundon, and brought it your father, maneing that if any thinge did a rise aboue his deets and leggessess, it should come to his excexetors. Remember my saruis to worthy Mr Perkins, and let him knowe, the mony shall be sent with all expedition : the sikenes of his scoller is as I aprehinde it, a happy sikenes; for for the most part we are all rather to senceles, then to aprehencif of the condistion of the state of our soules. I thanke God, your father is indiferent well, he dons not keepe his chamber. Doctor Deodate is not yet come, but I beleeue, he will come this night. My deare Ned, I thanke you for hopeing with me, that I should haue my desire in gooing to chruch, which I thanke God, I did two saboths, and I hope the Lord will giue me that mercy this next saboth. I thanke God, your brother Robert has his health well, and so has the rest; some of the sarwants haue agues, but not very violently. Good Mr Simons has his ague euery day and many fairt his life. I haue toold you if you remem- ber of a paper that some statemen make use of, when they would not haue knowne what they riwit of. Rwite me worde wheather you vnderstand what I meane. I pray God blles you and fill you