Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 41 with gras, that sauefeing gras which will neuèr leaufe you. I "haue not yet reseaufed your letter by Mr. Hackleut, but I hope I shall ; so I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. April 5, 1639. I thanke you for the booke you sent, but yet I nor your father heau not reed any of it. Heare incloesed is the key of your box, with a token from your sisters. I should be exceeding glad to see my brother Bray and my sister. XXXII. For Mr. Edward Harley, in Magdeline Halle, at Oxford. Dear Ned-Axcedentally I haue this opertunity to send this letter to the carryer, and haueing forgot some nwes; which it may be you will be glad to heare, I rwit this letter to you ; tho this and that which I rwite to you yesterday come by one mesenger. We heare that the kinge of Spaine begins to deale with the mo- nestries in Spaine, as Harry the 8 did in Ingland. My deare Ned, let me vpon this put you in minde that this year 1639, is the yeare in which maney are of the opinion that Antichrist must begine to falle. The Lord say Amen to it : if this be not the year, yet shure it shall be, in is due time. What nwes I heare conserning Jermany you may see by this inclosed, which I reseued this morneing. I thanke God, your father is reasnabell well. Doctor Deodate is not yet come, nor the mesenger returned. Antony Childe went for him on tuesday last. The cane for you is come downe to Loudlowe. The boxe was sent for this morning, but yet it is not come : if I can haue my owne minde, it shall be sent to you, ifpleas God, the next weake, with the mony that is due for your quarter, and that which is due to Mr Pirkins as your tutor. CAMD. SOC. G