Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

q £~, him, P fal. 34· 6~ ---- Doyo'uas I have done., ~nd yon p-tall fpee<} as I hav~ fpeq. Do not mifl:~~.e this:I woqlg 'not hay~ you t~ll ~yery one when ypu go to CJofet·. Pra)'er, .or.\vh.en .you have been at it, (that's a~harif~i· ~al blowtng ~a Trumpet) fJut yop mqfl:,atfomeumes,ta Iuchp·~ribns as you cancon~de in,or th:tryouh~ve fpm~ grounded hop~s ofdoing goo~ to, tell themyppr eJ– perien~es, fpr thejr dir~<lion ;1nd inq:>~ragement ; iq ·this cafe, a.cquaint then1 how God is wont to deal with yonr he1 ~Urs, what goo9 you hav~ ·foQnd fro!Jl Qoq in that duty, and youquefiion not but qpa,n a confcien.. fiotis~fe 'thereof rhey ~~y find theH~e adyqntage: 4~~ this· WOJ-114 ~e of fing!.d~r !l!e; for hereby they hp:ye not only ~rule for it, .b.u~ t~e e~e.rppli fymg of it in.~ Precedent ; ~~d w~ ~PO.\¥ ~x~mple.s are of a. prevail· jng nature. Efpeci~llyl fee that yog put yonr famine, ppon thjsp:r-a~i~e; Qb what.a .bl~f\~9 thing were lr, .if ever¥ perfon jn feveral roomf?ftne, :Hpnle· ~ere ~t YJ~rk, \fith God iq. fe~ret Pray~~ .! frp__ \V.· bray~ly WS~lllcl ~ha~hoHfe_be perfuqJ~d .?..Ho\Y, wen \VOt,lfd{heTr~de of godlinef~ ~hrive?fu~~ly f1!~.h~r~·~·<?ufe\¥~fe.a inQ,e_ bleffe4 ib~a.~r~f~l.~d~pc~than ~ny Princes ~aJac~ ~nder . ~eayeq; ~t s ~be qtippfittqn qf ,G9fH~~~pentten~~s·.~Q mourp ev~fY fam~ty'~~ar;~~sba~d,$ t\?,d -~..y~~ ~paf.t,~ech~ I 2,~ r, I., I 4• ~nd ~f'~ract9~~ fouh_, ~o; ~e ~z.k{ ·nov.e~·pf the valleys?fVt~ rY one moltrntng j1r ht; 'f'J:qutty. Ez;..e~ 7: \fl ~Ther~ muft b~ 1oynt·:f?rayers ~t!~ fepani_r~d Prayer~t.ogeth.er and. ap~rr: Let no~ Chri~jans he ·~ohtent tp find .C·pri(t in, Corner f<>r tpemfil~;~-~;bq~Jet th~m 4.Q wh~t fhey cant~atother, alfomay ~nJQY h(~n· : thts w~~ the f~ameof the Chgr~~ ·~r beliey~ng' Sou~,'Cant.~.4.· ·when fhe had.fo~n_~ bim,. I ~'el~ him;', fai_th .tb~, · arlf;_{woul!t {tat, lrt . hitl}gq, ~ntil I had brou~ht h.im. ·~;n~9 · f:){ M~t~f~S; }P.,o~fe.~ ~· I• ~ntg p,1ore p~b~!flt =!ffemp,IJ~s! ·4nd trqty, .~np{\t~n~, th~~ ~a~ p~~h npt. f0\1,9~ Cp_rtfl:.at a.H tb~~ . :r{~u4! no~ .~ave. ) . c :• • ·~ • ''~ t '••' > • ... • ' ••\ .,• ., ' • •> >" •'" .• ;.. •. :...¥" ,-. . (C ~ • { .all .; ~; 1-• · ' . . •