Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

94 ry, by thy over-ruling providence, an~ thy~ . infinit~ \Viictom. · . . · . .. . , ., , ..... 2. Petition, [Thy Kingflom tom11 :] Thus iJ11prove it : Lord, I mall: cgnfef~., rh~t by nature I atn ge~q in fin, and a bond·flave to the PJince of darK~~_fs, . ~PP .rules in my heart, and' leads me .~aptive b¥ ignot~qce, ~rropr,diiobedff;nc;~; but do t~pq;by the .pow.er oftl'\'y grace, cafl: out the(lrong man, take poifeffiQn of my he~rr ; f way thy, bleffed Scepter in ~e,br~og mywhol~ man to obediense, defi:roy Satans kingdom, propagatf! f~e Gpfpel among all Nations, purge thy houfe,, fu~ntfh thy Church wjth officers, orders, 'Jpd ,pyr;~ ... q~.d\· nances·; m"ke I)ings nurfing f~thers to ·it, con.vert ·ftnn~rs, ,confiqn,Sa~(lts, co~fort tl1e faq; hailjel} thy fecond coming t? jqdgment,. __ ~t;J9 .. ; ~he ; b\tff"~ctKing· do.~ ofGlory. '~ ' \ : ',· .: l~' : ... -. ... ' ~:rr:. ~ 4 iS1 . 3:. Petition, [Thy will ~e, ~()n~·.·.in .~ar.th- ~i~ih~IZ El~ave.n:]'Thus,H~ty; M,fijefi:y, I as~!lowle<ige rp_y .~Aruralignorance of thy will, itnpote~cy to OQ~Y,Ah ye~, enmity and antip~thy ag~inft. it ; ll!Y beft f~.ryic;qs_ ~r~ iPlperfeCl:,~ my \pitir' repiniqg und~r thy~ ·h"Qp,~f\d my :j, "v-iD wilfully refi!l:ing g~ace, and ruiliing into fin -; but , Dea~ ~ord, infBr~ lll:Ymind, conqqer my 'Yjll, order !~Y ~ffec~iousf~e:tht to ~omp,!y with thy rp~n~; ~e._af~- , . fllf: to do thy wd~ .\n pbedtenc~,. rna~e me conp~nt wJt~ ~~Y. - wiJI~con~er~~g ~e in e.very. pr~vi~e~ce ):. b.~g~~}n fQe thQfe he'lvenl)T. dtfpofitlOfl> thf}.t are tn the gJortOUi 4nge,s, and gloi.~edSaints,that .~i_th Humility?chear– fqlnefs~ qil!gence~ aqq faithf~lnefs, zeal.,_ fince~tty a~d co11~ancy, I m~y !;>~ aClively an~ paffively at thy dtfpofe. .. . .. . . . . . , . ' 1· ·Fo~ ~h~~ Pet~tA9p, · [ Giv~ ~ thil day_-o~.~ da~lJ • '· 1 ~reftd7 J Say.tn t\1~ manner; " ~Y,~nly Fath,er,l JllUfl: · ~oqfefs tqat.by m·y w~etched~Otl~y in .Arltfw,,I have loft: my right to everymorfel ~fP:r~ad, ~nd deff!rve not fo ~re,tq ~11 tqy \lir, Qr treaQQ~.'thy ~i,rth ; my fia bath . . . ---- - . . './ ' - ' nut . . r ' . ~