Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

ctnoret~1&~a rer, within., and in dye ·time ,rake my foul above all fins -and inares, into thineimmediate prefence. · · And theq fht1t up ,all with fuch like words as thefe~ .()n that con~Iufion~ [For th~ne is the Kingdom, the Pow– _er·.and the ,Gla,ry, for ever,4men:] Ohmy God., I am . . unwonhy rhou ·iliouldft grant my petitions for any thiag in my felf; all my arguments in Prayer, and 'grounds of acceptance I fetcb from-thy,felf: Thou . hafi: aKingdomof Grace, and Throne ofGrace,from whence thou h~are'ft prayers;and difpenieft bleffings; all the Power is .in thine hands, to.giveand forgive; tokill or/make alive, .and the ·Glory fhali be chine, if .thou hear my Pr,ayer: and bletfed be my God,for all my mercies. I afcribe to thee, a·nd ·thee alone, eter. nal foveraignty, otnnipotency, and glorious excellen– ~y, whicb as f 9e.fire all may begivc=n toGod,io i a·m humblyemtjo'lae9.ecl by Faith to reil: upon thy power ""d promife," that in due tim~ thQu wilt hear ,ny re... ;qitefi:s ; · i).nd as a token ofthat my defire and confi- . dence, my foul dorh eccho forth, 4men,~~ven fo be it. ' · Thus I' h~ve giveriyouan hint from the Lor-d·s Pray.. er ofdireCli.ontfor ·[he .matterof our prayers: I lhall .but propo~nd' another Scripture-ll)tlance concerping Arguments'in Prayer. · ; ~ ~ .. . · .An ExP~mp!e,fr#~ · Ja~ob" ofeleadingwith G,od, I . G. 0 D woutd have his peopleconverfe with him in a rational way.,a.nd qod'schildren have made ufe pf manypleas in ~ray~r,which t~~y have pr~dqced in vehement ExpoR:ulations,.as yte may find -fpnnkled·up and'down inScriptur_e, asMofes,Nehemiah, Ez..ra~ ·and , Diini~1, in their approaches to God : and abo\1e all, pa11id through the book of P.falms isex_ceedingfall this ~ · · · - way~ ~