Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

)" ·g i~J~i!Ji~~ 10Ut~; . -,. .o7 which theywere .caft, as.we heard beforeof1 trimiab, chap~ ~~- IS· So the afflicted Church, Lam. 3· 28,29. When fhe fitteth al9ne i~ folitarinefs., then£he putteth her mouth in the duft, in fafting .and pr~yer ; and fo a , parricular perfon, as th~re ;' Now ama11 is at leifure for it: While perfons have their full imployment or enjoy ~ments.,they are toobijfie ; but \V hen perfon~are take~ off other wayes., 'tiS1 time to retire themfelves and r~treat to God : The lefs comfort perfonsfind in public~ Ordinances, the 'more ferious maft they be i~ Cfofet– performances ·;that the lofs Inay oe fuppl~ed 1omeway. SECT. JI. Sever~l Objeilions., anfwered~ . 'Tis ftrange ft: our carnal hearts and cayilling fpirits have not fomet~ing to fay agaiqfl: this diffi~ult dJ.I– ty: I fhall therefore mention what Objectiqns, I can . forefee may_ bemade, and brieily ani\ver thetn. 1. tJbj~ Wepray in our families, and is not that e– nough? What needs al1 this ado ? /) Anfiv. I. This r0bje8ion· cannot be t'nade by all: fome have no families to pray V·iith,. but if thou d.oft pray in thy farnily, ~ti~ well; there's many gracelefs .heads and prayerlefs houfes: Ofwhich it may befaid, The fear of God is not i~ this place : Oh the wrath that fhall be pouredout on fllch Families : But fuppofe thou doll, Fam·ilyprayer is one thing, and Clo{et-pray... er is another : and let me tell thee, God never made one duty to ~uperfede another ; youmuft not jufl:le out one work, becaufe you are bound to perform another. Every thing is beautiful in its place and feafon . . Gods CQmmandments are exceeding broad, and ·take in a great CQmpafs ofduties. You rnuft wor{hipGod in your Houfes; that exempts you not fromwodhippiog 9'o~ r .