Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

~ <ltb~itttall ~utrt· r r x I .Anfw. ' lnever yet met with fuch ·perfons that had ·ibe face of Religion, that ever fpoke againfi: the or– dinary praeljce o1 t.his -~uty of Clofet~Prayer, I con– f~fs, I have met wttb i_ome, :'th<;> ~etng urged to Fa- .mily-Prayer, hGtve,put tt offwtth thts evafion, that they would pray in. their·Clofets., ( ~how weJI1 the God of Heaven knows.) But ifany profelfors judgem.ent be fo far bribed to plead for the fle{h in this neglect, the Lord rebuke them, and forgive them, they know not what they fay. This is a.lamentation., ~hat there's fcarce any truth fo facred, , or duty fo fptratual, bu.t it hath been contradicted in thefe licentious daies: Some have · pleaded againft Family..Prayer,Catechifing, Chriil:ian– meetings, and ~hat not ; Bu~ they ea~ produce no fo– li4 arguments: do not yog foll~w · thetr exatnpie con– trary to plain Scripture precepts·, and prefi,dents. Ma- . ny were produced for confirmation,moft :whereofwere .not only in extraordinary cafe~,, but were.an ·ordinary · practice : And can you find the d.ay that affords not iome fpecial matter to occafion you to make addrelfes' to·Go4 in· fecret Prayer ? If you be fenfible and ob– fe.rvant, furely you will fee great neea for fuch retire– plents in ordinary pratl:i~e. Remember th~s, that you fol1ow no man, but as hefollows Chrift : but I am fure our precious Saviour ufed this pratl:ice. ·; .. , .. sE C'T. Ill. " ' . More Objections, anjwered. , ' . . ,.Obj. ,BUT I find not my heart affected or pre.– , t:a~~d : ls it nqt a tempting of God, .to go when the Splrtt dothnot move me ? · I .Anfw. 'Tis a dangerous mi~~ke to think y·ou may ~ot go to duty,but when the' Spult moves you: For at ~~y b~ !o·ng befo~e it fiir;, the Spirit blo\veth where, · . . _....,. - ·• . . . ' ~ - . -· . ' .. '