Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

.,., g <JtfJ~ifttau J0utr. 1 I I _God glorified,or thy fou.ledified ?~ilt thou ·give '!'-ay to him ? Refift therDevtl, and he wtll flee fron1 thee: t 1 hink :not thou canft perform ~ flef11-:-0:ifp~eating' duty, whe~Satan is quiet, and cloth-not ino~eft; .h'e wiLl be bufre to tempt ·when t~ou art going ~e - thy God; ,this is no· new -thing 1 he will jng thy hand WheJl thou art wri– ting thy le'trer' to rhyFriend in heaven.::think not robe tnore ex~mp_red than ·even thy Sayi.ou'r him(elf, hewas fet'upon ay the Devil ,in h.is folirary ~eceiTes in the ~if... dernefs! and, oh the hornble ~ature .o(thofe ternpta- _tions! Mat ·4-'W .. hen·Jofhua theHigh~prieft prayed,Sa– ran ftood at his riglit ·ha(ld to rejift him, b~t the iffue was good, God rebufZ.dhiirt, z ·echp 3. I, 2. ·And thi1s he wiLl do fo.r thee; · he wiU tread S~tan under thy feer, and ' Jna!~e theeaconqueror'; only when thou art armoye~.. with this foul fpirir.,-· tutn to thy God, leave ·not thy work, l~t not Satan rake thee offduty ; then he ha~h at-· tainedhis end : fall clofer to the work ; confider"faftin·g ~nd prayer.cafl: opt ' th~ deyil r ' Watth~ · M· ·, ~ng an_d prayer,are preyerfatiye~f.r~fil · E."~: 6~6~#.· tnfetl:ten, yea, Prayer ,tt felf ts a ~luef P piece of aChriftians Armgur : if you be beat off this.,' · you are routed ~ , this ·tngageth God~ for you: without this, you are but like 'Other tnen,an-d the Philtftin.s will put out your eyes~ l~a~ ~ yo~captive, 'and make fport of, you: ftick c;lo~e ·to this whatever youdo; though all , ~he_ devils in hell r?~u upon you; y~tru_n to v.ou~ God ·n1 Prayer.,they arefluggards,orcowa:rds·,rhaday there'S aLion in the way, when they aredtlleqout to hard fer– vice; or difficult duty ; nay, rather fay as he once inan arduous u-ndertaking, Here's awork fit for the.fpirit{)f anAlexrander_; f6, 'here's a duty tHat bec.omes a Chri– ftian 'to·rnanag~: By ydur God you iriay run through a ~roop,atttl leap over a W,all. But more of that anon. _ ~ 8. Obj. But I get no good by Glofet-Prayer, I have ufed it fo lon&,an~ ftill_my heart is as cold; hard, d .