. ., ( Cltlofet~~a~er; along: if the tongue fpeak not thus, the heart doth: fet · aduty be preffed never fo home, acarnal h~art will make fome evafions; tHough the ' m<?u~hbe fl:Qpped, yet aca– villing heart will have fomething to,fay againfl: :a. fpiri– tual duty.: And ifit cannot be mad with reaf()n,h grows tnadwithout reafon,and againft Scripture: 'Tiseafier.to bring arguments to ·convince the judgment., than to draw the will and affeuions ~o athroughobedience :~ut foul,wilt thou plead for Baal ? Wilt thou take the de– vils part, and yield.tocarnal rea{on ?or wilt Jho:u baulk ·any divine commands to gratifie a l'az.ie humour, or a bafe.lu(l:? God forbid; methinks., if thoucanft not obey / as thouought'ft, yer thou fhould'ft. takeGod's part, and plead for ~bedience:Paul doth fo,Rom. 7. 1 5,16. Though he faith, What I Wo~>tld, that do I not., but what/ h.ate, that do 1~ (yet faith he )1tonfent to the, ~aw :thdt it u good: it e. I take part with God, and , joyn with Gods will agatnf.l: my corrupt and carnal affections,that would . draw my neck fromunder thjs heavenly yoke: .And:-if you have not fomethingwithin yo:u that takes part with Gods revealed will, you are nor- of God :. But a prin.ci– ple of grace cloth facilitate and makeeafie the .h'}rdefl: duties, aecaufe there is a likenefs betwixt holy hearts ·and holy performances: Love·makes ever.y thing eafie; hence it comes to pafs that Chrtfts yoke.is eafie, Mat~ · t 1; 3o. His ways pleafant,- and j his commandtnents ~or grievous, i cyoh. 5. 3. If thy heart were right, duties would be fweet to thy . foul ; 'tis 'no . ~urden to eat, drink, fleep; the.atls of nature are delightful to perfons in a right temper, if they be not" nature is oppreil., and qut of order : A child of God ip duty, (o fai as regenerated, js like a man in his calling, .or,a crea- ~ ·!ure in its pr~per ~lement : Befides, wert thou more accufl:dmed to duty in fecret~ it ·wouldbe.tnore familiar to thee, and lefs irkfom: We fee by exp~rience, life makes heavy things light, we hardly feel the \Veight of - ·- · our