Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

<ttotet~~~aret~ were' two material deftruClive Faults which the Sc~ibei and Pharifees were. guiltyof; in that tweet and Jo.. lemn Ordinance: 'ihofewere., I. HypfJcrifie, 2. B.tetto– ' logie,or vain-babling. Jefus ChriH: rebuk~s and reclifi~s .both. . ·· , - ... ~ ..·. They .were wont to perforrn their private devor i– ons .in· publick places, meerly for vain~ glory, .to be feen of ll!en~ as, in the Synagogues., ?r ~n the Streets:' vero' 5o~, 1\low for the Oifciples prattice in this cafe, he commands' them' to; withdraw themfelves out of the view of rrien~. intofom~ folitary place, and there per.. forn1' that Duty~ . where they are leafi: expofed to· the , danger of ofte~tation : ver. ·6. : 2. Another fault that our Redeemer rebukes in the Dutyof Prayer· i.s~ ,vain Repetitions. And·though he,. only mention it here asJh~ Heatheris fault, ver~ 7· yet certainly the Stribes and Pharifee~ might aHo be guilty ofit,for theyare cenfure~'for their long Prayers, M vu: ~3. 14. Yet upon differ~rit..acco~nts. Here the Heathens rife vain repetitions that th~y rliay move God : There the Scrzbes and Pharifees ma~e lo~g .Pr'ayers that they , may deceive men, and 'devour' Wido~s houfes.. Thii , Text faith., They think theyJhallbe he1rd for their much [peaking ; juft as Baal's Priefl:s, i . ~(ing: .J(8; 26 .. . Tney .~~llecfon the'Rameof ~aal from rriorn~ng even till noon, . faying, 0 B~tal hear us ; they leap(upon ,~he f\ltar,and cryed aloud', and cut themfelve·s, wit~ , knJve~, and lan-:, cers, till the blood gufhedout upon the~. ,-. , No doubt "'this was done to move their cruelgod .(or rath~r ft,upid _block) to foine pityand compaffion: J utt: as th~fraptick ' Papifts doat this d.ay in their felf.tormenting .peii~n,c~s : But our ,Gdd wh~- iS the fearcher of hearrs, ' ,del_ights more'in: ardent affections, than in either extenfion of the voic,e, or inultiplication·of,o/6.rds:· or excn!Cia~ing_ affiitlions of the outwa·rd man: Therefore our S~yionr. ~s, that when we pr~y, we come not to in'fGQ~~ ' (