Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

g <D:t~ifttau ~utr. 7. and when thou .ha[l: ·made all fat!, do thou fet thy felf · -in the prefence ·of God, app~ove thy heart to him, lay open tny bo(ori1 before him,tell hirn all thygrievances; and though no creature is privy to thy fecrer groan;;, . yet be fiue tbat all ~hy defires are before God, and thy. groan,ing is l19t hid from. hinl., and he takes noti-ce o( thy tears; and refer~es thenn in a.bottle by him, ro bfi rewarded in a vifible manner in a feafonab!e time, thy labour isnot in vain, thy work is \Vith the Lord., and thy r~ward with. thy God. . . S E C T. IlL · , . DoElrines raifed, and cleared. ,' / 1 THere aret?a~y o ·on:rines lye.c.otiched in the \Vords.; . I £hall but htnt thern, and pttch upon one. . I. Prayer is a choice part .of Rel~gion ; its a piece of . natural worfhip ; though the right _9rderiog of it is by irtfl:itntion, yet 'tis a n1_ain parr o'f Religion. There~ fore often pt1t in S~ripture fot the whole fervice of God: He that.callJ on then.. ttme ofthe Lordjhall befa ·ved, Rom.; I o. r 3. Apra:yerlefs foul \s gnicelefs. , . · .. ; 2. Prayer is a duty much abu{ed : There sfcarce any thing fo m·uch perv,erted an·d cotrupted as this cho'ice duty,by fonnality,hypocrifie,fuperilition.,bafeand by": ends, as is cl.ear by (befe Phttrifees ma_oy wayes, and th~ir younger br~tl=lren t~* .. Papiflsat thjs-<lay., Maffis, D~rges, /nvocat~on nfSaints, &er . . . s. 1~here are feveral forts of lrayer: Both as to .the kinds, modes, and circumfiances. The Apoftle difiin– guifheth of ~applications; P:rayer,s., Inrerceffio!Js, and giving ofThanks: r Ti1n. 2:~ l·· Jhere's a:1fo P~btick~ Prayer, Family-Prayer, anc{ C!ofer.. J>'tayer. Now a ' Chrifiian· mull: _pray with all Praye~ and Supplicatio'n : £ph. 'i :t 8.: 'Fht-J.aft is·· here infifted· ou. ' . ··. · 'B 2 ·