Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

4· Mo[es \Vas a ·choice man ofGod, wh~m the Sc;ri– pture charatteri'zeth as anon·(uch , Deut. 3+· 1 o. There arofe YfOt a Prophet fince in lfrael lik[ untoMotes,whom the Lord knew face to face: and this in~irnate acquaintance was obtained., 1naintaiped, and exerciJed by thi s i~cr converfingwith God: How ofren do we fi nd th e Lord and his fetvant Mofes together? and none \Vith them, Exod. 1 . • yea Mofes only .mufr cotne near, ,and the tl -4 , · refl: muft worflup.afar off: ~nd \Vna,t bufi · .• nefs·have thefe familiar Friends one wi _another? 'Why·, fometi~es the Lord fpeaks to Mofes, 1om.e.rimes'Mofes fpeaks to God in fecret prayer: both'together in Exod..32. 9, 1 o, I 1. Afirange Scri ture, God and Mofes had been converfing with each o ther in the mount forty dayes : God tells Mo fes, th peo~le had n1ade them amolten calf,and he w~s angry a;nd wou·ldconfinne thern,and bids Mof~s lft t himalo as though Mo(es had bound thehands of qinnipote~cy Nay then, nhinks Jt1o{es, if n1y poor peopl~ . be ip this hazard fince Iam \Vi th God,l' leply the throne qf gra and improve my intere·ft for them :·and t~en he· fa! c1ofeto the work,andbefoughttheLordhisGod,1nd · 'Pfil 6 . fa id-At this time he alone .ft:ood in t he ga ;,a· 10 • and prevailed by his inrerceJlion t6 turn : I . way ~Gods \Vrarh from Ifrael: Here was wor-k, a.nd thi~ was the fruit of fect~et prayer. · 5. David the fil:an after Gods own heart, wasa _m muchskilled in (ecrerorclofet meditations~nd iprayers Hencefomeofhis Pfalmsof·Prayerand P-raifewerefi ~ompofed in Caves, Wilder~effes., and folitary pl . J:Jal. 14·2. Title.,u Mafc?i~.ofDav_id; a P~ay~r:_ whetJ was}n the Cave. Anq thts 1s for tnftruchon to us, M"fchil fignifies: Yea, he purpofely compiles the I P{al. as apatternto all that m_ay be in his cafe, t~at folitary; As a pelican in the lVildernefs, an tJWl tn def~ert,ot: a[parrow 4lo11e uponthe ho11fo top? 11·~6,7.