Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

' eJ alone jhafl come neAr the Lord, Exod. 24. 1, 2. Ob- . ferveir, when .M.ofeshadpartedwithhiscotnpany, and was alone, theri he fhould cort:1e near the Lord • com– mon pr~feffors worlhip not God at all accepta_bl y, fin– cere Saints worfhippingGod -with others are compara tively f:u off; b~t touls in a corner or Cloiet, are ad– mitted to come near God, and nave fw.eet intimacy with him, as I fhalJ {hew anon: Yet mi ftake me not, not as though. I preferred _ fecret Prayer alone, b~fore publick Prayer with others; for as Goddelightes in the joint prayers of his People, fo a foul may enjoy God in communion of Saints, . anJ-is ordinarily more carryed .; out toGod than in private, according to tbe helps and advantages he·hath withothers; ·yet when the heart is in frame, ,there is ufually mo~e intimacy exprefi: betwixt God and theChriil:ian in iecret, than with others: Yet furth~r, miftake not, not as though folicarinefs fre~'d us from all .di!lracHons: If we take our hearts with us, y.~e fhall have aprincipleof diverfion, and need neither noife nor viftble objeCts to *Locus fi.cretus eligitur,- quia hind€r us fromGod: And this folus Dei judicio iejunia [unt thofe that have mag·nified fo· agenda, & .fingularem in(peClolitarinefs moll:, have found rem, adjutoremque Deum volmzt h£c habere certdmina, ne- .bY fad experience, and left que in agonibus aliquibus peri- ·upon record : Take an In· .. cttlofits ·.militatur: - !'r~pte)' ~ance ; * CypriAn {peaking hoc, SoMudo carent arbztr~s;& '- Eremus ; a[fentatorum ratellitio'vacua, ajtjunant~ c hri~o eligitur, ut non cum carne & [anguine, fed tum (piritualibus nequitiis dimicetut, clj li.motis m'inorum· occafionihus . homo cum ~. Diabolo c~l4uCluur, 6: foli font in pala{lra Chrift~s& Antichri{lus, Spiritus & Antifpiritus: Neque pu- . tet hom~, f~ ~va~Jfe peric~tl_a ~tlm i~ ;eremu"! vene_rit,. qui~ qu~nto (ubti!ius tanto diffi~~hus a tentatore tnvad~tur, qu1 cog&tatMnum forzb~s ajfi~ens iJm1)ia virtutumtermitJa in ipfo ortu ~rttngulare molitur: CypvDe JeJUfl· ·& ~ent!-t• c~rifti.: P~epeinit.p. ~oo,~.oi. Y~rum libe~ius,lfnima expe~it~ obvt,at JmpugnantJ, ubJ compedes ~mped~mentorum defue rJnt & aJ;eftus zm.. tamenta _non ~Qverint : ~Securiortfut e(l ctmgreJfus, ubi fingul.a non vez., ji,ant dtmi€ante nee inebriant animum lenodnio ·~olu!Mtum; v1d. plur. . - ------- --··- ·--- -- · ·- ~- : -··-- -,.- -~-----·-·-·- --· ~ . f • '· j't Q I -· , I