Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

. _ .~. _ to ~he Reader. .·. _ _ ymdlfe Rcltgtous duttes a.ft11ge to all vaznlJorj . , their Prayers hada thickJhell and little kernel. Our Saviot-(;r would not have the Saints lik.! them. Chrifts Difciple.r muftdo fome fingulttr thing, more than.others; Their righteoufne(s muft go be__yond that of the Scribts and Pharifees: Sincerity is that fpirit and life that is to rHn throlt,~h Religion: . el(e it is a Body without a Soul; tJr Cloaths Without the Man: This is the chief 1rift ofout I SavioHrs teachi~{, and main Defign of G'ofptl Com... ma'ndr;·· tt/fender Profc.lfors fincere at~d jpiritu4l,. appro-· ving their hellrti td God in Evangelical performan-ces. I have many times ber:vttiled the condition of tho(e who ar~ very bu/ie in Externals ofReligion abroad,. and are,g,rofly negligent ofthemainElfentials4t home. fhej lire-lib$ thoje who arepropping ~~~ fom,remo.te members of their body~ while their _Vitals are wafting in a fanguifhing Con- · Jumption: Thefeare·lik! a Ma11 in a Feaver,his face and handrbHrn, but hiJ heartjha/trs and quiver.r for told."' Thefo I mtty eaU Pepper·profeffors, hot in. th-e mouth,- but coldat thejlomath: There ~tre thoufandsin the lVorld l'-i/1 ,run many miles tD hear a Sermon, will countenAnce tht beft l'rellcherJ-, will read the ScriptNre.r 14nd good Boo/Q.; will pr":)'in thtir Families, yea k.,eep dayes offafting ana Prayer with others,- that yet wiB n'ot {it about heart-' work... and ~efh-difpleafing duties, of mortifying belovttl lufts, loving,forgiving t~~nd prayin~for enemies; -ye~t ; that will not Jet themJClves folemnty ffJ the dnties ofMe..: dit~ttion, Self-ex~mination, and {ecret Prayer : the Vef- · fel will notftir except the n1indof applaufe blow• the foils; thefe ~tre li~e the NightiNgale in the wood, of ~hich it .ii -recl}rded, that foe fit:~g.r moft fweetly when {ht thin~s any u near her. AnHypocrite can p~al: b~ft,when tak.tnNotice"· tJjby men, you wiO feldom fee him at workvwit~ his heArt • 11 Clofet ... he is ofthe mindofthofe carnal perfont of · s natHrai kfndred, J oh ~ 7·4· who {aid· to Chrift, If ~hou do theie thing~, flle\v thy felf to the World·:,F ,_ f11il