Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

any hide himfelf in fecret places,, that 1jhall not fee him, faith the Lord? Do not I fill Heaven and Earth, faith the Lord: .? Yes, faith the belie~ing foul, I )kndw thou art 1 every \_V here ,; no thought' can be with·holden fro thee, therefore ,' wait on- thee here; all's one where I an1, for wherever I am l c~onot run away frotn thee; and wherever I am, I may approach anto thee: And P 1 the Lord is nigh to brokenhearts, fa ~ 34· I), I7, 18 • and praying foul s ; He is n'ot far from every oneof us, but his fpeciat prefence is with his Saints in duty. David compofeth a Pfalm of Gods l·mmenfity, P(al . I 39· Whereinhe '!hews, I. Gods omnifeien~e, in the fix firft verfes, ,Thou kyowe/f my down--fitting anamine up...rijing, &c. 2. Gops omni– prefence, ver. 7. to ver. 14. · Whither ]hall I go from thy ,Spirit l ' If to Heaven, thou Art there, &c. Dark– nefs and !~ight .are both .alike to th~e ': And what ufe doth holy David mak'e of this Heayenly doctrine? furely,, if God will be with him ~herever he'is, he is refolved to be with God; v. 18. When I awake I a111ftill with thee, i . e.. by fecret prayer and medita.. tion : \Vhen I 1 ye down I co~mend my foul and body to thee, and when I rife up I meditate thee; when l go to fleep I pray, when I awake I am with God by holy ·and precious thoughts. So that am frill wi,th God, all tny dayes, in all places, eo ditions, relations, , con1panies., . I am frill with m God:, and ,as a good man ,ufed to fay, lWy God 1 are good company: This, this is to ,be thorow ced in Religion ; this is 'Enochs walking with . a converfation ,in Heaven, a Fellowfhip with the ther, an emblem ofglory, ancl the fweeteft, ; h life a foul is capable of in' this ·W<?rld ; and muc this confifts in a converfing 'with God in the duty {ecret Prayer : And all this flows from a ·due henfi()~ of God~ omnifcience and omniprefence,l f·