Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

SECT. V. I I The third way ofreward$·ng fecret Prayer, is, ln– treafc of Grace• . .• ' '• ' 3. GOd rewards fecret Prayer openty_by con_ferr· · upon fecret wrefUe·rs more emtnent gtfts graces of his Sp'irit, and fuch as fhall be taken notice byothers: They that are moft confl:~nt in iecret .pray er,fha1l be mofl: eminent in open Prayer: Such as wi Mofes converfe with God in the Mount., \ fhall ha lhining faces·: The beauty of the Lord ihaU be upo them : When a foul bath been 'with its God in acorner the effects are fq rematkable, that others fha11 ta knowl~dge of him that hath been with Jefus: A ·. it mR£1: needs }?e fo, for, c9nverfing with God 'is of transforming na~ure, 2 Cor . 3. I8 a But we all with '· q face beholding as in aglafs the'glory ofthe Lord,are c ged into the fame image, fromglory toglory.,even. as by t Spirit of the Lnrd: G6d's appointments are as gl through which we may fee ~~e face of God. No ~here are two forts of glaffes, broader and nan:ower the broader glaffes are ptiblick Ordinances,and' thenar. rower glaffe.s are thefe private Dtl~.ic:;s: In both thefe foul may feek and fee the face 9( G.od, ·and fo beco like him; for,feeing here is affimHating; as thev· of God hereafter .is glorifying: Oh 'tis a beautifyi and beatifical fight to fee ·God ! Fulaefs ofgrace · is~ .bell: thing inglory; peaceand}oyatebut (a~ it · the gtofs and varnifh of this fulnefs of grace : · the rnore a foul enjo-ys God, the·more a ·od... Hke Heaven-likehe is, fdr ·his graces thine b!ighter; and is frill mQunting high~r: An~·. priv~te or· i~cre~ ·d :u:enotablewayesofcommuntonwtthGod: · .. ,.TT,,.... times a fou~ may mifs o~£hrift in pub!ick '